
Copyright and reprint statements

This policy outlines our copyright protection, reprint guidelines, translations rights, trademark notice, contact information, and linking policy, providing clear instructions for those interested in reproducing or referencing our content.


All articles, research papers, and other content published on the NextUX website are protected by copyright law. Unless otherwise stated, all rights are reserved by NextUX. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or modification of our content without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.

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Reprint Policy

Permission for reprinting NextUX articles or research papers is granted under the following conditions:

  1. The content is reproduced in its entirety, including the author byline, bio, and any accompanying images or artwork.
  2. The content is not modified or altered in any way, except for formatting changes to fit the publication’s style.
  3. A proper citation is provided, including the article title, author name, publication date, and a hyperlink to the original article on the NextUX website.

Artwork Usage

Any artwork, images, or graphics included in NextUX articles are also protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, distributed, or modified without prior written consent from NextUX.

Fair Use Quotes

Limited use of quotes from NextUX articles is allowed under the fair use doctrine, provided that the quote is properly attributed and does not constitute a substantial portion of the original article.

Translations Rights

All articles and research published on the NextUX website have been officially translated into Spanish. Translations rights are reserved by NextUX, and any unauthorized translation, distribution, or reproduction is prohibited. For inquiries regarding translations rights or to request permission for translation into other languages, please contact us at

Trademark Notice

The NextUX name and logo are trademarks of NextUX. Unauthorized use of our trademarks is strictly prohibited without prior written consent.

Contact Information

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Linking Policy

We encourage linking to NextUX articles from other websites, blogs, or social media platforms. However, deep linking, framing, or embedding our content within another website without permission is prohibited.