
UX consultancy

Unlock the user experience potential with NextUX’s expert review and personalized one-on-one sessions. Website evaluations, tailored face-to-face consultations and experience journey mapping.

Expert review​

A meticulous review of your website, web application or in-real-life solution by a NextUX professional. The review will provide a report of opportunities on research-based best practices called heuristics. This heuristics evaluation will be reported to you and your stakeholders in an action-oriented document, easily digestible and customized to your organization’s needs. The evaluation is not restricted to production only and we are happy to run a heuristics evaluation on your low to high fidelity prototypes.

  • Quick and easy assessment of your solution, without having to spend a lot of resources
  • Actionable items that typically have solid immediate ROI
  • Validation that the solution is working while meeting the mental model of the end user

Individual sessions

Face-to-face or tête-à-tête, you and one of our NextUX professionals will get together and discuss about your user experience goals to identify your next user experience step. Ideal for business owners, UX leaders and UX professionals.

  • Demystify the user experience subject
  • Learn what your competitors know about user experience and what’s the game they are playing
  • Include in your self-brand the UX-savvy factor, and start talking about it with meaning and purpose instead of using UX as a buzz, catch-all term